Yasuo Ariumi
Associate Professor


Selected publications
  1. Ariumi Y. Guardian of the human genome: host defense mechanisms against LINE-1 retrotransposition.       Front Chem. 2016;4:28
  2. Ariumi Y. Multiple functions of DDX3 RNA helicase in gene regulation, tumorigenesis, and viral infection.     Front Genet. 2014;5:423.
  3. Ariumi Y, Kuroki M, Kushima Y, Osugi K, Hijikata M, Maki M, Ikeda M, Kato N. Hepatitis C virus hijacks P-body and stress granule components around lipid droplets. J Virol. 2011;85(14):6882-92.
  4. Ariumi Y, Kuroki M, Maki M, Ikeda M, Dansako H, Wakita T, Kato N. The ESCRT system is required for hepatitis C virus production. PLoS One 2011;6(1):e14517.
  5. Ariumi Y, Kuroki M, Dansako H, Abe K, Ikeda M, Wakita T, Kato N. The DNA damage sensors ataxia-telangiectasia mutated kinase and checkpoint kinase 2 are required for hepatitis C virus RNA replication.             J Virol. 2008;82(19):9639-46.
  6. Ariumi Y, Kuroki M, Abe K, Dansako H, Ikeda M, Wakita T, Kato N. DDX3 DEAD-box RNA helicase is required for hepatitis C virus RNA replication. J Virol. 2007;81(24):13922-6.
  7. Ariumi Y, Trono D. Ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) protein can enhance human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication by stimulating Rev function. J Virol. 2006;80(5):2445-52.
  8. Ariumi Y, Serhan F, Turelli P, Telenti A, Trono D. The integrase interactor 1 (INI1) proteins facilitate Tat-mediated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transcription. Retrovirology 2006;3:47.
  9. Ariumi Y, Turelli P, Masutani M, Trono D. DNA damage sensors ATM, ATR, DNA-PKcs, and PARP-1 are dispensable for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 integration. J Virol. 2005;79(5):2973-8.
  10. Ariumi Y, Ego T, Kaida A, Matsumoto M, Pandolfi PP, Shimotohno K. Distinct nuclear body components, PML and SMRT, regulatethe trans-acting function of HTLV-1 Tax oncoprotein. Oncogene 2003;22(11):1611-9.
  11. Ariumi Y, Kaida A, Lin JY, Hirota M, Masui O, Yamaoka S, Taya Y, Shimotohno K. HTLV-1 tax oncoprotein represses the p53-mediated trans-activation function through coactivator CBP sequestration. Oncogene 2000;19(12):1491-9.
  12. Ariumi Y, Masutani M, Copeland TD, Mimori T, Sugimura T, Shimotohno K, Ueda K, Hatanaka M, Noda M. Suppression of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity by DNA-dependent protein kinase.  Oncogene 1999;21(22):5124-9.
2000 Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists
2009 Hayashibara Award
2010 Research Award from Viral Hepatitis Research Foundation of Japan