Hitoshi Takizawa
Associate Professor


Selected publications
  1. Kovtonyuk LV, Takizawa H*. Mouse genetic background and human hematopoietic stem cells biology; tips for humanization. Humanized Mice for HIV Research, Springer, 2015, *correspondance
  2. Nakamura-Ishizu A, Takizawa H, Suda T, The analysis, roles and regulation of quiescence in hematopoietic stem cells. Development 15: 4656-66, 2014
  3. Lundberg P#Takizawa H#, Kubovcakova L#, Guo G, Hao-Shen H, Dirnhofer S, Orkin SH, Manz MG, Skoda RC. Myeloproliferative neoplasms can be initiated from a single hematopoietic stem cell expressing JAK2-V617F J Exp Med., 2014 Oct 20;211(11):2213-30., #equal contribution
  4. Berres ML, Lim KP, Peters T, Price J, Takizawa H, Salmon H, Idoyaga J , Ruzo A, Lupo PJ, Hicks  MJ, Shih A, Simko SJ, Abhyankar H, Chakraborty R, Leboeuf M, Heym KM, Bigley V, Collin M, Manz MG, McClain K, Merad M, Allen CE.BRAF-V600E Expression in Precursor Versus Differentiated Dendritic Cells Defines Clinically Distinct LCH Risk-Groups. J Exp Med., 2014 Apr 7;211(4):669-83. doi: 10.1084/jem.20130977. Epub 2014 Mar 17.
  5. Rongvaux A, Takizawa H, Strowig T, Willinger T, Eynon EE, Flavell RA, Manz MG. Human Hemato-Lymphoid System Mice: Current Use and Future Potential for Medicine. Annu Rev Immunol., 2013 Jan 16, 2013 Mar 5;110(10):3997-4002.
  6. Scotti C#, Piccinini E#Takizawa H#, Todorov A, Bourgine P, Papadimitropoulos A, Barbero A, Manz MG, Martin I. Engineering of a functional bone organ through endochondral ossification. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2013, Mar 5;110(10):3997-4002, #equal contribution
  7. Takizawa H*, Manz MG. In vivo divisional tracking of hematopoietic stem cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci., 2012 Aug;1266(1):40-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2012.06500.x. *correspondance
  8. Takizawa H, Boettcher S, Manz MG. Demand-adapted regulation of early hematopoiesis in infection and inflammation. Blood., 2012 Mar 29;119(13):2991-3002.
  9. Takizawa H#, Regoes RR#, Boddupalli CS, Bonhoeffer S, Manz MG. Dynamic variation in cycling of hematopoietic stem cells in steady state and inflammation. J Exp Med., 2011 Feb; 14;208(2):273-84., #equal contribution
  10. Takizawa H#, Nishimura S#, Nishikii H, Takayama N, Oda A, Kakinuma S, Morita Y, Yamazaki S, Tamura N, Goto S, Sawaguchi A, Manabe I, Takatsu Ki, Nakauchi H, Takaki S, Eto K. Lnk/Sh2b3 regulates integrin αIIbβ3 outside in signaling in platelets leading to stabilization of developing thrombus in vivo. J Clin Invest., 2010 Jan;120(1):179-90., #equal contribution
  11. Takizawa H, Eto K, Yoshikawa A, Nakauchi H, Takatsu K, Takaki S, Growth and maturation of megakaryocytes is regulated by Lnk/Sh2b3 adaptor protein through crosstalk between cytokine- and integrin-mediated signals. Exp Hematol., 2008 Jul; 36(7): 897-906
  12. Takizawa H, Manz MG, Macrophage tolerance: CD47-SIRP-alpha-mediated signals matter. Nat Immunol., 2007 Dec; 8(12): 1287-9.
  13. Takizawa H, Kubo-Akashi C, Nobuhisa I, Kwon SM, Iseki M, Taga T, Takatsu K, Takaki S. Enhanced engraftment of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells by the transient inhibition of an adaptor protein, Lnk. Blood., 2006 Apr 1; 107(7): 2968-75.

    For complete list of publications, please refere to the link.

2013 Bruno Speck Award, Basel Stem Cell Network
2013 Basic Science Award, 39th Annual meeting of the European Group For Blood and Marrow Transplantation
2009 Young Investigator Award, 2nd International Workshop on Humanized Mice