Suda Laboratory is seeking qualified applicants for a few Post-Doctoral Researchers as followings;

Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Area Hematopoiesis and Developmental Biology, Leukemia Biology, Oncology and Cell biology (kidney)
Qualifications Applicants are required to have Ph.D. when starting the job.
Work Location 2-2-1 Honjo, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 860-0811 Japan
Compensation As Kumamoto University Regulation
Starting Date Sooner
*Appointments at this rank are for 1-year term, renewable upon review and approval (maximum 5 years).
Selection Applicants selected may be invited for the interview.
Application Documents Interested applicants are encouraged to assemble and submit an application packet composed of;
  1. Curriculum vitae with photo
  2. A list of accomplishments
  3. Copies of representative papers (up to two)
  4. A statement of research accomplishment
  5. A statement of research interest
  6. Contact information of two references
The packet should be sent by e-mail to the address described in inquires
Deadline Until the successful candidates are selected.
Inquiries Toshio SUDA
Professor of Department of Cell Differentiation
The Sakaguchi Laboratory of Developmental Biology School of Medicine, Keio University
E-mail :
Please allow enough time to receive a response to your inquiries.