Kazuhide Watanabe

Kazuhide Watanabe
Kazuhide Watanabe
M.D., Ph.D.
Visiting Associate Professor


Career History & Research Interests

Kazuhide Watanabe received an M.D. from Tohoku University School of Medicine. After completing residency-fellowship program, he received Ph.D. under Professor Yasufumi Sato at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. Kazuhide Watanabe finished post-doctoral fellowship in Dr.David Salomon Lab at National Cancer Institute, NIH and second post-doctoral fellowship in Dr. Xing Dai Lab at University of California, Irvine, where he was promoted to an assistant project scientist. Kazuhide Watanabe has been focusing on the molecular mechanisms of cell fate ecision in epithelial tissues such as skin and mammary glands, especially on the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of epithelial plasticity, which plays essential roles in development and cancer.

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