Christian Schonbach

Christian Schonbach
Christian Schonbach
Visiting Professor


Career History & Research Interests

Christian Schonbach obtained his doctoral degree from Eberhard Karls University, Tubingen through immunogenetics research under the supervision of Jan Klein at the former Max Planck Institute for Biology. After his postdoctoral training under Kohji Egawa and Masafumi Takiguchi at Institute of Medical Science, Tokyo University he held research and academic appointments in computational immunology, genomics and bioinformatics in Singapore and Japan, the last one as Professor of Bioscience and Bioinformatics at Kyushu Institute of Technology. Currently he is Professor of Biology at Nazarbayev University (NU), School of Science and Technology and Co-director of its Graduate Program in Biological Sciences. His present research activities at NU include the structure determination of human TYSND1 peroxisomal protease and expression profiling of miRNAs in microvesicles derived from tumour and normal cells.

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