Jan 15: IRCMS Kickoff Symposium

December 5 2014

IRCMS Kickoff Symposium

Connecting Scientists across Borders and Disciplines

Thursday, January 15, 2015 〔9:00-18:30〕

Kumamoto Prefectural Community Center PAREA  〔Access Map〕

   8-9, Tetori-honmachi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-city 860-8554 Japan



Hideo Baba:Oncology, Kumamoto University, Japan

Charles Bangham:HTLV-1, Imperial College, UK

Atsushi Iwama: Epigenetics and Hematopoiesis, Chiba University, Japan

Gou Young Koh: Angiogenesis, KAIST, South Korea

Richard Koup:HIV, NIH, USA

Ben D. MacArthur:Mathematical model for stem cells, University of Southampton, UK

Masao Matsuoka: HTLV-1, Kyoto University, Japan

Andrew McMichael:HIV, University of Oxford, UK

Ryuichi Nishinakamura:Kidney formation, Kumamoto University, Japan

Shinya Suzu: HIV, Kumamoto University, Japan

Hitoshi Takizawa: Hematopoiesis, Kumamoto University, Japan

Daniel G. Tenen: RNA and Leukemia, National University of Singapore, Singapore

〔Program PDF〕



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