The 1st Ad Hoc IRCMS Seminar

July 31 2014

The first Ad Hoc IRCMS Seminar was held on July 31, 2014. Three speakers gave talks regarding their research in kidney.


Date July 31, 2014 16:00-18:00
Venue 1F Conference Room Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics (IMEG) Kumamoto University   


Lecturer and Title

  • Professor Ryuichi Nishinakamura, and Assistant Professor Atsuhiro Taguchi
    (IMEG, Kumamoto University)
     “ Redefining the origin of nephron progenitors enables generation of three-dimensional kidney structures from pluripotent stem cells.”
  • Associate Professor, Masaya Baba,
    (POIE, Kumamoto University)
    “Functional role of a novel tumor suppressor gene Flcn in kidney”
  • Professor Motoko Yanagita
    (Department of Nephrology, Kyoto University)
    “New concept and controversies in renal fibrosis”