Jan 23:IRCMS & CAIDS Seminar,"Virus Restriction and Cancer Mutation by the APOBEC Family of DNA Cytosine Deaminases

January 19 2015

Center for AIDS Research (CAIDS) and IRCMS invited Dr. Reuben S. Harris from University of Minnesota for IRCMS & CAIDS Seminar was held on Friday January 23, 2015.  He gave a talk for his recent research. We would like to appreciate all attendees in this Seminar.


Date: Friday, 23 January, 2015 16:00-17:00


Venue:2F Seminar Room, Center for AIDS Research


Speaker:Dr. Reuben S. Harris

                    Professor, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics

                    Associate Director, Institute of Molecular Virology

                    University of Minnesota, USA



The human APOBEC family of polynucleotide cytosine deaminases is comprised of nine active enzymes: APOBEC1, AID, APOBEC3A/B/C/D/F/G/H. The namesake, APOBEC1 is a bona fide RNA editing enzyme that is guided by an editing complex to physiological target mRNA species such as the APOB message. APOBEC1 also has robust DNA cytosine editing activity and has been implicated recently in esophageal adenocarcinomas. AID activity appears specific to DNA cytosines, and this enzyme is essential for antibody gene diversification by somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination. AID activity a likely contributor to mutagenesis and driver events in B cell cancers. The seven APOBEC3 enzymes have strong biochemical preferences for single-stranded DNA substrates and have been broadly implicated in providing innate immunity to parasitic DNA elements including naked DNA, viruses, and transposons (the best-studied being HIV-1). At least one APOBEC3 subfamily member, APOBEC3B, is a source of mutation in many different cancer types.


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