January 15, 2015:IRCMS Kickoff Symposium

October 17 2014

The IRCMS Kickoff Symposium will be held on January 15th, 2015 at Parea Hall, Kumamoto City.

Twelve world-class researchers will be invited to give talks.

Details will be coming soon.


January 15th, 2015

Parea Hall, Kumamoto

Organized by IRCMS at the Kumamoto University.


Invited Speakers:

Atsushi Iwama, Chiba University, Japan

Andrew McMichael, Oxford, UK

Ben MacArthur, Southampton University, UK

Charles Bangham, Imperial College, UK

Daniel G. Tenen, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, Singapore

Gou Young Koh, KAIST, South Korea

Masao Matsuoka, Kyoto University, Japan

Richard Koup, NIH, USA